Unstructured tasks inherit the actor context they’re created in. In your example, since the task is created inside a UIViewController, it runs on the MainActor, meaning any code in the task will be executed on the main thread.

Apple covers this in WWDC 2021 Session 10134 - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10134/?time=1273.

If you don’t want a task to inherit the actor context, you can use Task.detached. Just be careful—this can lead to issues like running UIKit code on a background thread, which isn’t safe.

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In your example of the 2 prints on main, I assume the first comes from a method (or class) that is MainActor bound? If so, can’t you still use Task { someMainActorBoundEntity.syncMethod() } and this will be guaranteed to run on main? Is it the fact that the only enclosed content is a print statement mean an optimization is made to not require main execution?

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So the method isn't actually main-actor bound at all, but it's originally called by onAppear in a SwiftUI view up the call stack which of course lives on the main actor.

That's definitely right, any main-actor bound entity will run sync functions on the main thread/actor. And even if not using an entity, you can use await MainActor.run { }

I never considered the fact that it's a print statement really, but you might be completely right about optimisations - however, the behaviour of Swift Concurrency can also be somewhat non-deterministic in edge cases - there's a great article by the Ollie app explaining some of the gotchas they experienced - https://medium.com/goodones/why-ollie-is-moving-away-from-swiftui-to-uikit-cfdefe918d1c

(Great comment btw, it made me think really hard!)

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Isolated (any) feature will affect where the task starts.

Quote from Matt

“But Task has to start somewhere, so it first begins with a global executor context. And then the very next thing that happens is the closure hops over to the correct actor. This double hop, aside from being inefficient, has a very significant programmer-visible effect: Task does not preserve order.”

This unnecessary hope is solved by se 0431 (https://github.com/swiftlang/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0431-isolated-any-functions.md)


So in swift 6 mode if task is created from MainActor it will absolutely starts on Main Actor

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