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This is part indie dev story, part release notes, and part technical documentation as I detail the long-awaited upgrade to Aviator — Radar on your Phone!
My best ever story
My Toddler Loves Planes, So I Built Her A Radar was by far the best thing I’ve written. I managed to hit that sweet spot of wholesome and technical, and my sheer enjoyment of the project shined through in my narrative.
One would think, as an enterprising indie developer, I’d jump straight on top of the hype train, shoot out another release, and begin dreaming up monetisation opportunities.
But there was a stumbling block! Unfortunately, Aviator had been broken since early December. OpenSky Network had been having an incident which gave all my users an error.
After trying very hard not to think about this for several weeks, a miracle happened. I opened the app again, expecting to torture myself with the persistent 502 error message, when I heard the characteristic beep-boop of planes detected on the radar.
It was working again!
Newly energised by this belated Christmas miracle, I dove headfirst into two intense evenings* of overhauling Aviator with the ideas that had been brewing in the back of my brain.
*After getting my toddler to bed, of course.
Introducing Aviator 2.0
This release includes several shiny new features, and solves several problems my daughter and I experienced while we played with the original.
New UI
I’ve overhauled the UI so the controls now live in a separate menu. This utilises progressive disclosure to keep the major controls front-and-centre, and the advanced, less frequently accessed tools below the fold.
This menu is implemented as a modal with two presentation detents:
which takes up0.15
of the screen’s heightextended
which takes up0.4
of the screen’s height
It also has a presentation drag indicator so users know they can extend the controls menu, and vitally enables background interaction so we don’t cover the main radar UI in shadow.
// ControlsView.swift
var body: some View {
// ...
.presentationDetents(availableDetents, selection: $selectedDetent)
.presentationBackground {
LinearGradient(colors: [.gray, .spaceGrey],
startPoint: .top,
endPoint: .bottom)
I’m planning to utilise the new TipKit in 2.1 to ensure this progressive disclosure isn’t lost on our younger, less experienced Apple fans.
This presentationBackground
wraps up another piece of polish: I used Paul Hudson’s emboss effect. This is another Metal shader which applies a lovely metallic texture to the menu, further improving on the skeuomorphism of a control panel for a real-life radar.
If you want to learn more about making your own shaders in SwiftUI, read my tutorial Metal in SwiftUI: How to Write Shaders.
Zoom levels
While building 1.0, I experienced a persistent problem. The radar was too damn good.
More specifically, it was capturing flight details of aircraft I didn’t have a hope of seeing, either far beyond the horizon or hidden behind terrain. This became a real pain-point in the terraced archipelago of suburban London.
This wasn’t just a sensitivity issue, however — when I went out to a lovely open space, I could see planes for miles and miles.
The solution was clear: implement zoom.
The MapKit SDK has the concept of a camera
which hovers above the planet, showing your map. You can feed it a distance
(in metres) and it zooms in and out of the Earth’s surface based on this.
// AviatorView.swift
@AppStorage("zoomed") var zoomed: Bool = false
// ...
cameraPosition = .camera(MapCamera(centerCoordinate: coordinate,
distance: (zoomed ? 70 : 100) * 1_000,
heading: angle))
I also, in my rush to get a competent release out over the weekend, simply removed one of the radar circles to emphasise the zoomed-in UI.
// RadarView.swift
private var radarCircles: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
let diameter = min(geometry.size.width, geometry.size.height)
let middleDiameter = diameter * (2.0 / 3.0)
let innerDiameter = diameter * (1.0 / 3.0)
ForEach(zoomed ? [diameter, middleDiameter]
: [diameter, middleDiameter, innerDiameter], id: \.self) {
// drawing the radar circles ...
Originally, I had a Slider
component which handled zoom levels, however even my nifty A17 chip couldn’t quite handle this at a reasonable frame-rate. I’m using a binary zoom toggle for now, but might brainstorm alternative ways to handle this interface.
Flight information
The OpenSky Network API gathers a wealth of information from aircraft transponders, which I was not taking advantage of in 1.0. These helped feed into many of the new features in 2.0.
Foremost of these is the ability to toggle flags — displaying the countries of origin for each plane, as a simple emoji underneath each icon.
This utilised the origin_country
property from the OpenSky Network API. This gave the plane start point as a straightforward text string. Using a comprehensive list of country names found online, I could convert the string into a 2-character country code, turn this into unicode scalars, and ultimately construct a flag emoji.
// Country.swift
extension Flight {
var flag: String {
guard let countryCode = Country(name: origin_country)?.abbreviation else { return "" }
return countryCode.uppercased().unicodeScalars.reduce(into: "") {
if let scalar = UnicodeScalar(UInt32(127397) + $1.value) {
It was then simple to add text to the MapKit annotation when the user toggled this feature on.
@AppStorage("showFlags") var showFlags: Bool = false
private var planeMapAnnotations: some MapContent {
ForEach(flights.filter, id: \.icao24) { flight in
Annotation(showFlags ? flight.flag : "", coordinate: flight.coordinate) {
// custom annotation view ...
Cloud cover mode
Another problem I regularly ran into was a consequence of my quant life in sunny Britain.
While Aviator shows you all the planes it can find, many of these are obscured by cloud cover on drizzly days — leaving you squinting into the gloom in a quixotic quest for flashing lights.
To address this, I added another button to hide these higher aircraft — toggling between sunny-mode and rainy-mode.
This was dead simple to implement using data retrieved from OpenSky Network. I used 2.5km as a benchmark floor for low cloud cover.
struct Flight {
// ...
var isLowAltitude: Bool {
geo_altitude < 2500.0
This can then be used to filter out high-up flights from the UI:
@AppStorage("cloudy") var cloudy: Bool = false
private var planeMapAnnotations: some MapContent {
ForEach(flights.filter { cloudy ? $0.isLowAltitude : true }, id: \.icao24) { flight in
// MapKit annotation ...
Better icons
My toddler and I found another teething issue with Aviator when running user testing in the park. We sighted a helicopter flying directly overhead, however Aviator displayed it as a run-of-the-mill airplane.
Fortunately, the OpenSky Network API has one more piece of data to help us out. We’re able to add a query parameter to get a special category
property, which denotes the type of aircraft to which the transponder belongs. This can include:
Light aircraft (under 15,500 lbs)
Heavy aircraft (over 300,000 lbs)
Rotorcraft (i.e. a helicopter)
Space / Trans-atmospheric vehicle
Parachutist / Skydiver(!)
With the latest update, Aviator now differentiates between Aircraft size class; and even distinguishes satellites and helicopters as separate icons.
I first just needed to make some simple code changes to my AircraftCategory
// Flight.swift
enum AircraftCategory: Int {
// ...
var image: Image {
switch self {
case .rotorcraft: return Image(systemName: "")
default: return Image(systemName: "airplane")
var emoji: String? {
switch self {
case .spaceTransatmospheric: return "🛰️"
default: return nil
var scaling: Double {
switch self {
case .small: return 0.6
case .large: return 1
case .heavy: return 1.5
// ...
default: return 1.0
Originally, I wanted to use a helicopter emoji however, the 🚁 emoji looked overly rotund when converted into a flat colour, so I used a more abstract cross in a circle SFSymbol.
I could then take these and adjust the appearance of the flight annotation view which makes up the icons that show up on the radar. It was a little awkward to get the emoji to behave like an image — I used a scaled Text
view as a mask over a simple Rectangle
so I could apply the colouring and CRT screen effects.
// FlightAnnotationView.swift
var body: some View {
// other effects ...
private var aircraft: some View {
if let emoji {
GeometryReader { geo in
.font(.system(size: min(geo.size.width, geo.size.height)))
.frame(width: geo.size.width, height: geo.size.height, alignment: .center)
} else {
Custom OpenSky Network login
I’ve implemented many improvements using data from the OpenSky Network API. But what about improvements to the use of the API itself?
Possibly my most-requested feature, after an Android version*, is to use one’s own credentials for the API, in the hope of avoiding the same rate-limiting which the unauthenticated version uses.
Therefore, in the full controls menu, I now allow users to enter their own credentials, as well as linking to the registration page.
*I am still waiting for an enterprising Android engineer to port it themselves—I’ve placed enough detail in these posts! You’re welcome to do so, just make it free for everybody.
This was dead simple to build using the standard SwiftUI TextField
and SecureField
// ControlsView.swift
@AppStorage("username") var username: String = ""
@AppStorage("password") var password: String = ""
TextField("Username", text: $username)
SecureField("Password", text: $password)
In my excitement to get 2.0 into production, I was a little sloppy, placing the password in User Defaults. I’ll put it on the Keychain in the next release, but for now avoid re-using any sensitive passwords for this. I’ll also fix the autocapitalisation.
Finally, I base-64 encoded these to decorate the API request with HTTP basic authentication.
// FlightAPI.swift
func fetchLocalFlightData(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) async throws -> [Flight] {
// flight data url from coordinate ...
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
if let base64LoginString = getBase64LoginString() {
request.setValue("Basic \(base64LoginString)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
let data = try await request).0
let flightData = try decoder.decode(FlightData.self, from: data)
return flightData.states
func getBase64LoginString() -> String? {
guard let username = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "username"),
let password = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "password") else { return nil }
let loginString = String(format: "%@:%@", username, password)
guard let loginData = String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
return loginData.base64EncodedString()
As always, it’s uniquely gratifying to create something my daughter wants to play with. I look forward to her developing many more interests — with any luck, soon she’ll get super into platforming games or heavy metal.
If anyone has any feature ideas, or tips for ASO, please drop a comment. And most importantly, download Aviator — Radar on your Phone 2.0 today (and leave a review, please)!
Great read, and great work! Now, how about UFO's? ;-)
I've got ideas! As a parent of a toddler myself, I felt that comment about picking the color... For sure the most important.
Anyways, here is a feature list of things you may have considered but haven't implemented because this is just a fun side project!
1. Live view. Use the phone's camera and iPhone's AR capability to display a dot in the (general) area of the aircraft. I've done some coding on how to calculate this based on the user's position and ADSB info that I used for automatically panning a PTZ camera to record aircraft if you are interested!
2. Mark an aircraft as "seen" or "missed"* which would go into the next suggestion.... (*could even digest this feedback in somehow and fine tune what is displayed?)
3. Badges/Stats! If your daughter is anything like mine, she loves getting badges in apps. Maybe create a local DB of previous sightings so then you can track things like "number of different airlines", "number of different aircraft types", "farthest flight time spotted", "shortest flight time spotted" etc etc (Note: I understand and totally appreciate the possible issues around gamifying apps meant for consumption by children.)