COW2LLVM: The isKnownUniquelyReferenced Deep-Dive
Demystify the Swift Compiler, the engine behind copy-on-write
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The copy-on-write (a.k.a. CoW or 🐮) optimisation is the quintessential under-the-hood interview question for iOS engineers.
Today, we’re going on a quest to discover how this optimisation really works. I’m taking you on a journey deep into the enigmatic source code of the Swift compiler.
And, of course, I’m going to be referring to copy-on-write as 🐮 throughout.
What is 🐮?
For those not in the know, 🐮 optimises the performance of our Swift struct
s to get the best of both worlds: easy-to-reason-about value semantics with the low memory overhead of reference semantics.
Reference and value semantics
s which utilise 🐮 store their data in a memory buffer on the heap. When the struct
is copied, the lightweight pointer to this data in memory is the only thing that’s copied. The underlying memory is shared — this is reference semantics.
When the value of the data changes, value semantics kick in — the struct
allocates a new buffer of memory on the heap, copies the updated data there, then points at the new buffer— leaving the original memory block, and other instances of the struct
pointing to it, unchanged.
🐮 In the Swift Standard Library
Many fundamental types in the Swift Standard Library utilise this optimisation, such as:
When using these data structures, or types containing them, you reap the benefits of the underlying 🐮 optimisation for free. But it’s possible to implement 🐮 in your own types, too!
Implementing 🐮
Very senior iOS engineers will tell you how you can implement your own types that utilise 🐮 — check out this sample robbed straight from Apple’s Swift Optimisation Tips:
final class Ref<T> {
var val: T
init(_ v: T) { val = v }
struct Box<T> {
var ref: Ref<T>
init(_ x: T) { ref = Ref(x) }
var value: T {
get { return ref.val }
set {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&ref) {
ref = Ref(newValue)
ref.val = newValue
In short, you place your struct
type, T
, in Box
, which acts as a wrapper over T
. Box
instantiates a class — an instance of Ref
. This class, like all reference types, points to a memory buffer on the heap containing the data contained by T
When we get
the struct
data wrapped in Box
, we simply return the data from the Ref
class — from the block of heap memory at which ref
But when we set
this data, the outcome depends on whether our instance of Box<T>
has been copied —that is, if it exists in more than one place:
If there is only one instance of the
only has one reference to it, and we mutate the data as normal.But, if our entity has been passed around in multiple places, then the
wrapper itself is copied due to itsstruct
value semantics.This means there are multiple identical
pointers to the same instance of theRef
class — multiple pointers to the heap memory where our data is stored.We, therefore, instantiate a new instance of
withref = Ref(newValue)
, the updated data is written to a new memory buffer on the heap, and a newref
pointer is returned to that new instance, leaving the otherref
s in other copies ofBox
A mysterious function called isKnownUniquelyReferenced
is the secret sauce that makes this optimisation possible.
I’m pulling back the curtain and searching for the wizard.
I’m going to figure out what the hell it does.
The Swift Standard Library
First things first.
Let’s download the Swift source code, search for isKnownUniquelyReferenced
, and take a gander at the implementation.
Target acquired.
It’s holed up in ManagedBuffer.swift
, underneath the definition of ManagedBufferPointer
. I’m not the biggest fan of putting global functions underneath unrelated data structures, but who am I to question the wisdom of our Cupertinoverlords.
Here’s the implementation of isKnownUniquelyReferenced
I’ve been searching for in all its glory:
public func isKnownUniquelyReferenced<T: AnyObject>(_ object: inout T) -> Bool {
return _isUnique(&object)
Another fine day’s work.
I can go home and have a beer now.
I’ve got my beer!
I suppose I don’t have much on.
Maybe we can dive a little bit deeper and find out what _isUnique
is doing.
We find it defined pretty close by — in the same folder — Builtin.swift
// When it is not an inout function, self is passed by
// value... thus bumping the reference count and disturbing the
// result we are trying to observe, Dr. Heisenberg!
@usableFromInline @_transparent
internal func _isUnique<T>(_ object: inout T) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.isUnique(&object))
Loving the doc comments from Apple; let’s as an industry strive for more quantum physics references in our source code!
We need to find out what this Builtin.isUnique(&object)
character is trying to do.
This is where it gets interesting.
We find this Builtin
function defined somewhere totally different — Builtins.def
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUnique, "isUnique", Special)
Why is this located in include/AST
? What’s going on here?
Before we can progress any further, we need to understand a bit of theory about the Swift Compiler and LLVM.
(Interlude) The Swift Compiler
The Swift Compiler processes Swift source code files into efficient machine code. It’s a pipeline with several Swift-specific optimisation stages.

Let’s get our heads around each step in some detail:
files are parsed and turned into a data structure known as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This is vital for any compiler — it transforms code text files into a tree data structure containing all tokens, such as keywords, operators, and functions. This data structure is easy for algorithms to traverse systematically, making it easy for the next compilation stages to transform and optimise the code.Semantic analysis is performed on the AST, performing tasks such as type-checking, evaluating protocol conformance, and checking variable scopes. Compiler warnings and errors can be emitted at this stage. Xcode maintains an AST as you code and performs this analysis as you type to help catch issues early.
Next comes a step that makes Swift a bit special — the compiler generates Swift Intermediate Language (SIL) from the AST. This is a halfway point between raw Swift code and the low-level LLVM IR produced at the end of the Swift-specific compilation process. Clean builds clear the cached AST, SIL, and LLVM IR, re-compiling from step 1, which is why they take longer than incremental builds.
This SIL is optimised through various passes. Automatic reference counting is optimised, specialised generic functions are generated, code is inlined, and devirtualization tries to replace dynamic method dispatches via witness table with more direct static dispatch. SIL also undergoes dataflow analysis, which emits errors to enforce Swift language requirements — e.g., when failing to
from all function branches, or if you miss cases in aswitch
statement.Optimised SIL is transformed into LLVM IR — LLVM Intermediate Representation. This is a high-level, language-independent flavour of assembly language around which LLVM is designed. LLVM IR bridges high-level languages with machine code for any CPU instruction set architecture.
LLVM is an open-source compiler toolchain that allows engineers to build a frontend that processes any programming language into LLVM IR and a backend that translates this IR into instructions for a given CPU. Once IR is generated, LLVM runs multiple optimisation passes in the middle, enhancing performance on the target CPU.
The LLVM backend transforms the LLVM IR into actual machine code and produces object
files. These files contain these assembly instructions and metadata, strings, and debug information.In the final compilation step, the Linker combines various object files with libraries into a single executable, which the OS can load to run a Swift application.
Our isKnownUniquelyReferenced
With that substantial segue completed, let’s return to our isKnownUniquelyReferenced
Now that we understand how the Swift Compiler works, we have a compass with which to orient ourselves while we dredge the depths of the Swift source code.
Instead of inspecting the 859 individual instances of isUnique
we find when we CMF+F
the Swift codebase, we can:
Find out how the
Builtin function is applied to the Abstract Syntax Tree.Work out how
looks when it is transformed into Swift Intermediate Language.Determine how
behaves when converted to LLVM Intermediate Representation.Understand how these low-level instructions check whether an object is uniquely referenced.
The Abstract Syntax Tree
Last time we left off, we found the Builtin declaration for the isUnique
method in the AST/
folder, Builtins.def
/// isUnique only returns true for non-null, native swift object
/// references with a strong reference count of one.
BUILTIN_SIL_OPERATION(IsUnique, "isUnique", Special)
files contain exported C++ macro definitions — think of them as header files. The include/
folder defines a public interface to the Swift Compiler, which is made available to stdlib/
, the Swift Standard Library.
Builtins on the AST
First, we need to work out how the Builtin isUnique
function gets applied to the Abstract Syntax Tree.
We find the Builtin being synthesised here in Builtins.cpp
case BuiltinValueKind::IsUnique:
case BuiltinValueKind::IsUnique_native:
case BuiltinValueKind::BeginCOWMutation:
case BuiltinValueKind::BeginCOWMutation_native:
if (!Types.empty()) return nullptr;
// BeginCOWMutation has the same signature as IsUnique.
return getIsUniqueOperation(Context, Id);
static ValueDecl *getIsUniqueOperation(ASTContext &ctx, Identifier id) {
// <T> (@inout T) -> Int1
return getBuiltinFunction(ctx, id, _thin,
Several methods are parsed out into the same operation here — IsUnique
, IsUnique_native
(which has some extra safety checks), and a couple of variants of BeginCOWMutation
, which the Swift Standard Library uses to internally implement 🐮 optimisations for Array
and its friends, ArraySlice
and ContiguousArray
These IsUnique
variants all produce getIsUniqueOperation
, to be inserted into the AST. This itself calls getBuiltinFunction
to return a pointer to a ValueDecl
, a special type in the Swift Compiler that represents a function signature on the Abstract Syntax Tree.
You’ll notice the function signature returns
— a single-bit Integer — this is actually the underlying backing store used to implement the SwiftBool
Synthesising a Builtin Function
itself is implemented in this same file:
static FuncDecl *
getBuiltinFunction(ASTContext &ctx, Identifier id,
const ExtInfoS &extInfoS,
const GenericsS &genericsS,
const ParamsS ¶msS,
const ResultS &resultS) {
// 1
ModuleDecl *M = ctx.TheBuiltinModule;
DeclContext *DC = &M->getMainFile(FileUnitKind::Builtin);
SynthesisContext SC(ctx, DC);
// ...
return getBuiltinFunctionImpl(SC, id, genericParamList, genericSignature,
extInfoS, paramsS, resultS);
static FuncDecl *
getBuiltinFunctionImpl(SynthesisContext &SC, Identifier id,
GenericParamList *genericParams,
GenericSignature signature,
const ExtInfoS &extInfoS,
const ParamsS ¶msS,
const ResultS &resultS) {
// 2
auto params = synthesizeParameterList(SC, paramsS);
auto extInfo = synthesizeExtInfo(SC, extInfoS);
auto resultType = synthesizeType(SC, resultS);
// 3
DeclName name(SC.Context, id, params);
auto *FD = FuncDecl::createImplicit( /* ... */ )
// ...
return FD;
With most code samples in this article, I’ve stripped out most of the code to make the key moving parts clearer, but feel free to look at the full source yourself.
Reading through carefully, we find three critical steps:
A reference to the
module is retrieved from the AST context (ctx
), a repository of shared information the compiler uses that includes theBuiltin
module.The generic
parameter andInt1
result type of the signature are defined here — to synthesise the function signature of theFuncDecl
, theBuiltin
function identifier, is used to synthesise the function declaration we want from theBuiltin
module —IsUnique
in our case.
In summary, a FuncDecl
, a function declaration, is synthesised. This implements the isUnique
method on the Builtin
module, and gets inserted into the Abstract Syntax Tree.
Ultimately, this allows Builtin functions to behave the same as regular Swift functions.
The Builtin Module
Swift’s Builtin
module itself contains a set of low-level functions and operations that map directly to LLVM IR instructions in the Swift compiler, bypassing Swift’s ordinary safety mechanisms.
As we have seen, Builtins are used extensively to implement the Swift Standard Library for maximum performance, but Apple doesn’t trust us mere mortals to utilise them ourselves.
To be honest, I’m just one Tiger Beer deep, and I wouldn’t trust me either.
Tiger Beer, please sponsor my Substack 🙏🐯🍺.
AST Recap
Let’s recap on our progress so far:
is based on an internal isUnique
method, which uses a Builtin
method, a special low-level function implemented deep in the Swift Compiler.
When Swift code compiles, the Builtin.isUnique
method is added onto Swift’s Abstract Syntax Tree. This allows the LLVM IR operation to be called by the Swift Standard Library as if it were an ordinary Swift function.
What happens to this Builtin function next? How does the resulting low-level instruction check the reference count?
To truly find out, we need to go deeper.
Let’s check our compass.
Next stop?
Swift Intermediate Language
After constructing an Abstract Syntax Tree and synthesising the Builtin function declarations, the Swift Compiler converts your code into Swift Intermediate Language. SIL is a precursor to LLVM IR, which itself undergoes multiple Swift-specific optimisation passes.
In our journey to find out how the isUnique
Builtin is working, the obvious first port of call is the SIL Generation library — and specifically, SILGenBuiltin.cpp
It isn’t trivial to find the right function calls. Naming isn’t fully consistent between compiler steps.
This function looks like it fits the bill:
static ManagedValue emitBuiltinIsUnique(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc,
SubstitutionMap subs,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
SGFContext C) {
// ...
return ManagedValue::forObjectRValueWithoutOwnership(
SGF.B.createIsUnique(loc, args[0].getValue()));
As before, I’ve left out numerous lines of C++ assertions (mostly nullability checks) to make the code easier to follow.
This emitBuiltinIsUnique
method, naturally, emits the SIL instructions for the Builtin function isUnique
Following createIsUnique
further, we find it defined in include/
, with the public interface for SIL, SILBuilder.h
IsUniqueInst *createIsUnique(SILLocation Loc, SILValue operand) {
auto Int1Ty = SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(1, getASTContext());
return insert(new (getModule()) IsUniqueInst(getSILDebugLocation(Loc),
operand, Int1Ty));
C++ header files often inline method implementations. The createIsUnique
method, in arcane C++ syntax, instantiates an instance of the type IsUniqueInst
We locate the class declaration for IsUniqueInst
at SILInstruction.h
/// Given an object reference, return true iff it is non-nil and refers
/// to a native swift object with strong reference count of 1.
class IsUniqueInst
: public UnaryInstructionBase<SILInstructionKind::IsUniqueInst,
SingleValueInstruction> {
friend SILBuilder;
IsUniqueInst(SILDebugLocation DebugLoc, SILValue Operand, SILType BoolTy)
: UnaryInstructionBase(DebugLoc, Operand, BoolTy) {}
ultimately defines the Swift Intermediate Language instruction, which checks whether an object on the heap is uniquely referenced. This SIL instruction is now ready for optimisation passes and eventual conversion into LLVM IR.
LLVM Intermediate Representation
Chris Lattner, creator of LLVM and Swift, apocryphally called Swift “syntactic sugar for LLVM.”
After parsing the Abstract Syntax Tree and Swift Intermediate Language generation, we arrive at the lowest level of the Swift frontend to LLVM: Synthesising LLVM Intermediate Representation. LLVM IR is a language-independent, high-level assembly language around which LLVM itself is designed. The LLVM toolchain optimises this IR for any CPU instruction set architecture you want to run your code on.
After searching through lib/IRGen/
, the library for generating LLVM IR, we spot a familiar-looking declaration in IRGenSIL.cpp
— this time, taking in an SIL instruction as an argument and emitting LLVM IR for the isUnique
static llvm::Value *emitIsUnique(IRGenSILFunction &IGF, SILValue operand,
SourceLoc loc) {
// ...
LoadedRef ref =
operTI.loadRefcountedPtr(IGF, loc, IGF.getLoweredAddress(operand));
IGF.emitIsUniqueCall(ref.getValue(), ref.getStyle(), loc, ref.isNonNull());
This method loads in a reference-counted pointer (to the object we’re checking the uniqueness of) in loadRefcountedPtr
and emits the isUnique
function call as LLVM IR.
Following this emitIsUniqueCall
function call along; we are led to GenHeap.cpp
in the IRGen/
The documentation at the top of the file reads:
“This file implements routines for arbitrary Swift-native heap objects, such as layout and reference-counting.”
Is that light I see at the end of the tunnel?
Let’s read through the implementation of emitIsUniqueCall
llvm::Value *IRGenFunction::
emitIsUniqueCall(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, SourceLoc loc, bool isNonNull) {
FunctionPointer fn;
// ...
switch (style) {
case ReferenceCounting::Native: {
fn = IGM.getIsUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_nativeFunctionPointer();
// ...
llvm::CallInst *call = Builder.CreateCall(fn, value);
return call;
I’ve omitted a lot of code from here, which primarily handles additional cases in the switch
statement for nullable types (optionals), Objective-C classes, and ObjC-bridged Swift types.
The getIsUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_nativeFunctionPointer()
function call generates LLVM IR, which, when compiled and linked, calls into the Swift runtime upon execution.
It looks like our understanding of Builtins was a little incomplete. As well as low-level compiler types like Builtin.Int64
and functions such as Builtin.sadd_with_overflow_Int64
, Builtins also can call directly into the Swift Runtime.
This is possible due to the incestuously interlinked nature of Chris Lattner’s Targaryen harem: The Swift Standard Library, the Swift Compiler, and the Swift Runtime.
The Swift Runtime
The Swift Runtime provides core functionality for executing Swift programmes — dynamic dispatch, error handling, and memory management operations such as allocation and reference counting.
I think you can see where this is going, at last.
Checking the docs
Let’s investigate where the LLVM IR instruction for IGM.getIsUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_nativeFunctionPointer
ends up. As before, there is an art to hunting these down — naming isn’t consistent between the different layers of Swift’s implementation.
Like all good engineers, we can save ourselves hours of flailing about with a few minutes of reading documentation.
The Swift Runtime ABI documentation defines the interface the compiled LLVM IR instructions can call into. It’s clear that the definition we’re looking for is _swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native
Swift Object
Now, we can investigate the Swift Runtime source code in /stdlib/public/runtime
. Looking at
(an Objective C++ file!), we find the function defined in the ABI:
bool swift::swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native(const HeapObject *object) {
assert(object != nullptr);
return object->refCounts.isUniquelyReferenced();
After some assertions to avoid undefined behaviour from null pointers (no type-safe nullability here!), we are looking at the HeapObject
argument, inspecting its refCount
property, and asking if it’s uniquely referenced.
In the Swift Runtime, HeapObject
defines how memory is allocated and managed for reference types such as classes, actors, and closures. Taking a peek into its source, we find the implementations of manual memory management functions. These will be familiar to anyone from the pre-ARC era: _swift_retain
and _swift_release
to increment and decrement the reference count of an object.
The refCounts
property is itself an object which, you guessed it — maintains the reference counts (strong, weak, and unowned) of the object it relates to.
Like SEAL Team 6, let’s target where this isUniquelyReferenced()
function is implemented on the RefCount
for a HeapObject
. With extreme prejudice.
SwiftShims is a lightweight compatibility layer between the Standard Library, the Runtime, the Compiler, and the OS. This collection of C and C++ header files helps bridge code to underlying system libraries.
Critically, RefCount.h
implements the method we’re searching for:
bool isUniquelyReferenced() const {
auto bits = refCounts.load(SWIFT_MEMORY_ORDER_CONSUME);
if (bits.hasSideTable())
return bits.getSideTable()->isUniquelyReferenced();
return bits.isUniquelyReferenced();
Firstly, in the isUniquelyReferenced
property, we safely load the memory into the bits
property and asks if it’s uniquely referenced.
For the interested: A side table is an optional, separate, reference count store for an object. They are created to store weak references, or used if the strong reference count overflows past the bits available in the ordinary memory layout of RefCount.
Next, we see the underlying implementation of isUniquelyReferenced()
on the RefCount
bool isUniquelyReferenced() {
// ...
!getUseSlowRC() && !getIsDeiniting() && getStrongExtraRefCount() == 0;
checks there’s side table storing overflowed pointer counts; and getIsDeiniting
is fairly self-explanatory: deinitialisation only happens when a strong reference count is already zero.
The most important part here is getStrongExtraRefCount() == 0;
Scrolling up for the inlined documentation, we read:
The strong RC is stored as an extra count: when the physical field is 0 the logical value is 1.
We now know that if an object has only one strong reference, StrongExtraRefCount
is equal to zero.
The getStrongExtraRefCount
function finds us the strong reference count that we’re looking for:
uint32_t getStrongExtraRefCount() const {
return uint32_t(getField(StrongExtraRefCount));
Here, we call into a C++ macro that returns the StrongExtraRefCount
field stored in RefCount
# define getField(name) getFieldIn(bits, Offsets, name)
# define getFieldIn(bits, offsets, name) \
((bits & offsets::name##Mask) >> offsets::name##Shift)
These macros operate directly on the bits stored by RefCount
to return the integer value of StrongExtraRefCount
. These bitwise operations can be dense, so let’s take this step-by-step:
The number
is stored in some bits inRefCount
‘s memory layout, bit-packed with other metadata to save space.Let’s say the memory layout for the
looks like00101010
(in reality, it’s probably something like 64 bits wide).The bit-mask has
s for the locations of the bits that represent theStrongExtraRefCount
, e.g.,00001100
.We can run a bitwise
operation to isolate just those bits,0
-ing out the rest of the data: leaving us with00001000
.The offset
contains the number of significant binary digits which theStrongExtraRefCount
lives at, which in this example is two bits from the end (in this one-byte example, we don’t need to fret about endian-ness).The right bit-shift operator
shifts our bit-masked data to the right, returning00000010
.This, in full binary glory, is the strong extra reference count we’re looking for:
, or “2” if you’re a decimal normie.
Therefore, our object has three strong references, meaning it’s not uniquely referenced!
The isKnownUniquelyReferenced
We’ve finally determined how isKnownUniquelyReferenced
is working behind the scenes to power our 🐮 optimisations.
It’s all a bit obvious, really.
Each time a new pointer is created to reference an object stored on heap memory strongly, it increments the strong reference count of that object.
simply takes a sneaky backdoor route to ask the Swift Runtime whether this strong reference count is equal to 1.

(Accessible version of the meme)
just checks the strong reference count = 1isUnique
in the Swift Standard Library calls a Builtin functionThe Abstract Syntax Tree synthesises
functions so they can be called like regular Swift functionsSwift Intermediary Language emits the
instruction, which performs the uniqueness checkThe LLVM IR instruction generates the
instruction, which calls into the Swift Runtime ABIThe Swift Runtime inspects the bits on a
which stores the strong reference countisKnownUniquelyReferenced
just checks the strong reference count = 1
I assumed I’d poke around the Swift Standard Library, find some arcane private API that tracked a reference count property somewhere, and call it a day.
Curiosity is a heavy burden.
Like Dante, I kept pressing forward.
Into the haunted woods of the Standard Library source code. Through the purgatorial hallways of Builtin definitions. Deeper and deeper through the infernal circles of the Swift Compiler: the Abstract Syntax Tree, Swift Intermediary Language, and LLVM IR. Until finally, paradise was found in the Swift Runtime and SwiftShims.
I hope you had fun, learned a lot, and, most importantly — I hope you get the chance to flex your unbeatable 🐮 knowledge the next time you get an iOS job interview.
Do you think I missed anything important in my deep dive? Perhaps there’s another piece of the Swift Standard Library you’d love to see analysed to an absolutely ridiculous degree? Let me know in the comments!